Labor Day Field Trials: Walter meets his grandfather, Odin


Labor Day weekend was full of Doxie related activities. I always take Walter for our club’s Field Trials at least twice a year. Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington puts on Field Trials, Earth Dog events and fun activities everyone can enjoy throughout the year. Walter didn’t come home with any ribbons this time as we are slowly working towards out Field Trial Champion title but had a blast with friends and met Odin, Walter’s grandfather.

Having three generations of Goodwood doxies on site was a blast! I’m attaching a family photo. I’ve always adopted so it’s fun getting to know the entire family of Dachshunds. More in another posting about Field Trials – I took a judging seminar just to learn more about the sport. The sport is all about the natural instincts of our dogs. It’s a blast watching them follow the rabbit line. Below is a pic of the “gallery” walking in the field to pop a rabbit.






