Archive for the 'Outdoor Adventures ' Category

Beyond Squeaky Toys: A Review & Quick Tips
I attended a workshop hosted by a local Portland Vet Specialist that focused on behavior last week. Authors Nicole Nicassio-Hiskey of the Oregon Zoo and Cinthia Alia Mitchell from Doggone Fun! Doggy Daycare Center wrote a book about dog and cat enrichment as...

Bandages, CPR, Emergencies…oh my! Pet First Aid Basics
An emergency can happen at any time… I attended a first aid workshop at a local Emergency/Specialty clinic. Since I’m not currently working at a clinic, I wanted a refresher on CPCR as well as bandaging. How often do you...

Well You Must Not Know My Dog! Life With a Reactive Dog
“Well you must not know my dog” (from Best in Show): Living with a Reactive Beagle Mix I was with a client last week and a customer came into her store. Without a lot of detail, her dog was aggressive...

K-9 Nosework Classes: with Sherm and Walter
First, why did I get into K-9 Nosework? Two words – reactive dog. I live with not one but TWO reactive dogs. Shermie has always been reactive, I’m not sure what happened with Walter. This morning, a large dog (likely...

Life in Portland, A Good Choice: Vacation Tips for Dog Parents
My Vacation is not complete… unless my dogs are with me. As summer is officially wrapped up, I wanted to recap the adventures we were on with the dogs including our September Mt. Hood vacation. I’m throwing in safety tips...

Salmon River Trail Hike: Dogs and Salmon Are Running
A lazy September day we decided to hike the Salmon River trail and saw a group of Salmon headed upstream. We were told by another hiker that they have been there for days waiting to swim up the river and...

Labor Day Field Trials: Walter meets his grandfather, Odin
Labor Day weekend was full of Doxie related activities. I always take Walter for our club’s Field Trials at least twice a year. Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington puts on Field Trials, Earth Dog events and fun activities everyone can enjoy...