I Believe… Animals Bring Happiness


“Living with Animals to Heal” is the theme for this post!

I believe that animals provide support for people with depression, someone battling an illness or an elder finding themselves alone for the first time in their lives.

I live with three hounds and cannot imagine living in an empty house. People that don’t live with animals have no idea what they’re missing! Yet, this lifestyle choice comes with a great amount of responsibility. And some folks simply don’t have the time or space. If you are able to find the time, sharing your home with furry creatures brings a tremendous amount of joy.

What are five reasons animals bring happiness? I believe…

  • Animals are always there for you – and know when you’re depressed or feeling down. You can share with them your feelings, talk about your day aloud or just keep them quiet. Either way, unconditional love is a big deal for someone that’s depressed – and it’s actually a big deal for people – period.

Noteworthy stories on this topic:

What other pet bloggers are saying! Tracy Stillman and Susan Nation both wrote beautiful pieces on this topic:

Dogs are nature’s antidepressants

Your cat is good for your health 

  • Animals bring a sense of calmness: Studies show that simply petting an animal’s fur releases oxytocin and triggers happiness in your brain and relieves stress.
  • If you live with a dog, you get outside for walks so just by sharing your life with dogs you exercise more… that alone in my book is reason enough to share your home with dogs.
  • Living with animals provides a welcome distraction for folks that have a lot on their minds and I’ve learned that typically people that live with animals end up staying positive and feeling a greater sense of purpose. Pet blogger, Beth Patterson posted about this exact topic:

Pawsitively Amazing: Pia Pia

  • Animals keep you laughing. I know our dogs are clowns, stealing socks and running around doing zoomies in the house, and the greetings when we walk in the door! We must be famous?!

Goofy pic

There have been many great stories written about the important work therapy dogs do, whether it’s dogs that work with the blind or veterans with PTSD. Some animals literally save lives or create an environment where people can live normal lives.

I believe that animals make people happy in every sense and when times are tough for your dogs or cats, you reciprocate that love. ALWAYS!


There are 6 Comments

  1. Beth says:

    Animals have such a positive influence on our lives. I remember when someone close to me was going through a difficult time in her life she commented: “I’m so glad I have pets to help me through this.” Thanks for including my posts.

  2. Animals are wonderful healers – there is nothing more calming for me after a stressful day than coming home and stroking a napping cat beside me on the sofa.

  3. I absolutely agree that animals help in so many ways. They are healers, connecters, companions, etc.