Wordless Wednesday: Tire Chains Required This Winter
This is DAY 6!!! Chains are required in our neighborhood and we haven’t seen the mailman or garbage collectors for almost 7 days. Today we’re getting freezing rain and then finally the thaw. So I guess it was fun while it lasted…. so by the time Wordless Wednesday comes around I think we’ll just be seeing slush and rain… Why can’t Portland get their act together in the snow? (We went to Home Depot over the weekend and all the snow shovels are sold out, salt is nowhere to be found and we pretty much gave up after that…)
Most important….the dogs loved it.
How has winter been where you live?Â
Chains are REQUIRED and have been for over a week… !!
Just a few hours south, and while we had some snow and ice earlier, we managed to miss out on this particular storm. Our roads are clear and dry, at least until the rain started a few hours ago. But at least it isn’t supposed to be freezing rain here.
Well we’re officially thawing out and back to rain!! I think you missed out on the worst storm I’ve seen in the ten years I’ve lived here – honestly, it was great for a day or two and then a week later we’re all over it. I’m so glad you also escaped the freezing rain!
Hope you were able to make it out of your street today and did not need to use a dog sled! 😉
I cannot believe I didn’t think of a dog sled sooner — brilliant!
Thank goodness for tire tracks to walk in, eh Bruiser!? BOL! Stay safe and warm guys!!! <3
We were indeed grateful that we had some tracks to walk in this week! It was an agility course overall! Thank you!
I think your city needs to invest in some plows. No need for chains if they plow like they do around here. I hope you had fun in the white stuff while it lasted. Just a bummer it ruined your nose work trial!
I hear you – there was a big article in our daily that talked about how ridiculous this storm has been. No plows, no salt and just waiting for the snow to melt as the strategy was clearly not working! The next trial isn’t until late Spring!!
The photos from Portland have been gorgeous but treacherous looking. We rarely get snow and when we do, a 1/2″ shuts down the entire city. The south doesn’t do snow very well at all. ☺
The had some drones that did take some great footage for sure! We had serious cabin fever — and now we are totally thawed — hooray!!
That’s a LOT of snow! Looks like you had a blast. Great video 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Casey
Thank you for hopping over! We had SO much fun and just as I thought we went through our thaw and now it’s all melted!
I hope it’s only gotten better and things have started to melt for you guys.
I would LOVE to drive around with chains on our tires here but it’s actually illegal. In Quebec you can buy everywhere else, not happening.
Stay warm you guys!!
NO – illegal! But you all get so much snow!! I had no idea – why are they banned? What about super bad storms! We couldn’t even get out of our neighborhood for DAYS. Cabin fever set in badly…
Our winters, elements and keeping the roads clear does a number on them and thus, chains in tires would annihilate the asphalt in the cold temperatures. Also, snow tires. We have salters, sanders, and plows from Nov 1 to April. We’re seasoned pros, Christy. 🙂
Oh I bet!! Yikes!
I’m so jealous!! We haven’t had hardly any snow, although it’s been cold here in Ohio. I would love to go out driving and adventuring in all that wonderful, white stuff!
I used to live in Cleveland and I remember those crazy storms – and the cold. I hope the white fluffy stuff comes your way soon! We were happy to have it and now happy to see it melt. The dogs enjoyed the snow but I think they’re even happy to see it thaw!
Send some of it our way. We have no snow and so far, a pretty lame winter!
WHAT -!! Chicago and no snow yet!! I know you have had some terrible winters in the past years so maybe this year you all are getting a break!
Reminds me of when we used to live in northern Idaho. We had one inch of snow here in Albuquerque, and the city closed down a few weeks ago! The dogs loved playing in the snow before it melted though. 🙂
This makes me feel better – so it’s not just our city that shuts down with a little white stuff. 🙂 GOOD!!
It looks gorgeous! Haven’t seen snow like that in years. And I would imagine in Charleston, I won’t! Enjoy and be safe.
We’re like you all – we have super mild temps and while it was great! I was happy to see the thaw happen yesterday — chains were a huge pain in the you know what! 🙂