Why Are Pet Birthday Celebrations Important?
This isn’t meant to be a photo drop but I want to talk about the importance of birthdays. Also, why did it take two years to write this post? At first, I just felt like doing a photo dump so I’d have a gallery of these and never forget them. Then I realized it’s important to talk about why a birthday celebration for your dog isn’t silly but necessary. I’m celebrating my dog’s second birthday but also celebrating Walter’s 12 years on this planet living with my family. Where would I be without my dogs?
Let’s look at some stats from the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI).
- Mental health conditions: Research has demonstrated the role of pet ownership and human-animal interaction (HAI) for improvements in mental health, including reduced anxiety, depression, and alleviating symptoms for those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
- Quality of life: A study using data from 460 patients examined the relationship between the recovery process following a heart attack, depression, and pet ownership. Not only was pet ownership associated with decreased mortality after adjusting for the effects of depression, but also the effect of pet ownership tended to moderate the effect of depression on mortality.
- Stress: In a study of 80 women watching a traumatic video, women who watched the video with a dog present self-reported lower levels of anxiety compared to women who watched the video alone or with a stuffed dog.
- Healthy aging: Research has shown that pet ownership can provide important forms of social and emotional support for older adults that can reduce distress, loneliness and improve overall quality of life. One study found that a strong attachment to a pet was associated with less depression among older adults.
I want to celebrate my doggos with a silly birthday cake that lasts five minutes and a birthday wish. Some days, I forget about the important role they play every minute of every day.
Herschel’s First and Second Birthday Celebrations
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying good-bye, so hard” ~Winnie the Pooh
Second birthday party for Herschel and a 12th birthday cake for Walter.

There are so many more photos.