Research Says Dogs Enjoy the Company of Other Dogs

Yes, ample research supports the fact that dogs enjoy the company of other dogs. I’ve lived with three dogs for a decade and then two dogs for the past five years. I’ve never lived with one dog for over three or four months.

Walter was the wild card as he lived with two dogs his entire life but is dog reactive on leash with strange dogs. We added a puppy, and it took them many months to work out their relationship. Now, they are happier together than apart. And they do seek out each other during the day. I did a little research to see what studies there are that prove this is mostly true. Since it’s top of mind and in the news, I was curious and thought others may be too. The latest research says that dogs that have other dogs or companion animals in the household live longer and are healthier. Also, I should note that we work with a trainer or behaviorist on settle and other behaviors, as living with both a senior and a puppy is not easy and takes a lot of management. I really should have a disclaimer as multiple dog households are awesome and clearly have benefits, but it IS more work.

Forever Dog Author Rodney Habib’s Facebook Page –study is here 
Here are a few interesting points about the benefits of a dog living with one or more companion animals.
1. Dogs that interacted with other dogs had lower levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress. Social interaction with other dogs could help reduce stress in dogs. This is also true with humans, as studies show pets lower stress in people!
2. Dogs prefer to spend time with other dogs over humans. (I read this in a few studies but have lived with dogs that preferred a human at times over their dog friends). Experts found that while dogs were happy to interact with humans, they were more likely to initiate play and seek out the company of other dogs. 
3. Dogs that are socialized with other dogs had better social skills and were more confident. Socializing with other dogs was an important part of a dog’s development.
4. Dogs are naturally social animals and enjoy the company of other dogs. Many trainers recommend regular socialization with other dogs as an important part of a dog’s well-being.
Overall, the research suggests that dogs do indeed enjoy the company of other dogs and that socialization with other dogs can be beneficial for a dog’s overall health and well-being.

Yes, there is also scientific evidence that suggests that dogs do enjoy the company of other dogs. Here are a few studies that support this:

1. “Canine Play Behavior: The Science of Dogs at Play” by Marc Bekoff – This study shows that play is a significant component of a dog’s social life. It also suggests that dogs seek out play with other dogs and enjoy it.
2. “Social Behavior of Pet Dogs” by Barbara Smuts – This study examines the social behavior of domestic dogs and concludes that they have a strong social nature and enjoy the company of other dogs.
3. “Dogs Prefer Company” by John Bradshaw – This study suggests that dogs naturally seek out social interaction with other dogs and can get lonely without it.
Do you have more than one dog? Do you agree? How about folks out there with one dog – this will be us down the line for sure as we get older. Two dogs is a lot of work!

There are 2 Comments

  1. I must say that scientific studies or no, Ducky was definitely happier and healthier when she had a “sibling” to play with than when she was an only dog. Part of it was that those siblings – especially Radar and Bogie – acted as buffers for her from the stress brought on by hubby’s dementia demons (and trying to “protect” me from same). After Bogie was killed by the speeding car, poor Ducky was doubly heartbroken. She’d lost her cherished baby brother/best friend and her buffer against the chronic stress. And that chronic stress took her from me. 😭

    • Oh my gosh: I think Walter is too – even though Herschel can be pushy as a teenager, Walter seeks out his company. I’m so sorry about how Bogie was killed, and sweet Ducky must have taken in all those feelings and emotions too. It was too much – I agree with you that I felt this deeply when Walter lived with two others that were much older and eventually passed, and I could feel his lonliness which is why I thought brining home Herschel would work even if he was a baby – so far so good and not immediately but science clearly told us what we already knew!