Do your dogs swim? Wordless Wednesday


Do your dogs swim? Are your dogs good swimmers? Or do they just stand in the water like mine? When I’m with our dogs on hikes or walks near the water, this Mary Oliver poem sums it up.

“A dog can never tell you what she knows from the
smells of the world, but you know, watching her,
that you know
almost nothing.”
Mary Oliver, Dog Songs


There are 16 Comments

  1. Elaine says:

    Aw, Haley loves swimming in any water, but your crew enjoys it just as much while wading and lapping up a quick drink. I wish we lived closer to a nice beach or lake.

    • I’d like to see some pics for sure of Haley! I do have to drive a little bit to the river so we don’t get there as often as I’d like — moving near water is on our bucket list for sure!

  2. Jean Dion says:

    So cute! My crew is absolutely terrified of the water, be it in river or ocean form. I can’t get them to so much as get close to it.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    • Hi! I’m not sure why mine think it’s fun to stand in – we haven’t really thrown the ball in but we did throw sticks in the river by our house with Walter when he was younger so that may have acclimated him? Your guys would look cute in float coats!

  3. Rachel says:

    Our dog CAN swim, but that doesn’t mean he wants to. 🙂

  4. Lindsay says:

    They’re like your kiddos – they wade. 🙂 They’re definitely not retrievers or labs.

  5. Sarah says:

    Ummmmmm…….. Dogs no but swimming cats. Does that count for anything? Shadow has a few videos of him swimming, but Stealth needs more confidence in the water before he starts to swim.

    Shadow, Stealth, and Sarah.

  6. Nichole says:

    We’ve only tried the kiddie pool and they all hate it! I bet Penny would like the lake though.

    • Hey – at least you tried the kiddie pool, all summer I wanted to bring one home for the backyard but got a lot of resistance from the hubby. We think they’d wade and cool off but maybe not…

  7. Ruby hates the water. Last summer we took her with us to the MA coast and she was completely unimpressed. Our former dog, Pip, loved the water. He loved swim and just jump around splash.

    P.S: I always forget that you lived in Chicago! When did you leave? We lived on the far north side of the city for 15 years and about 2 years ago moved up to Evanston.

    • Oh my gosh! I lived in Chicago for my entire 20s! I left in 2000. I love Evanston – I would have moved up there in a heartbeat! We used to go to the Northwestern campus a lot and walk around and get ice cream 😉

  8. Rebekah says:

    Neeko and Faolan are both avid swimmers, whereas Bruce prefers to wade.