Archive for the 'Thoughts on Life with Dogs ' Category

National Herb Week: Cleavers – a Weed with Benefits
In celebration of National Herb Week I’ve decided to talk about a very popular herb in our household. What I love about Cleavers is they grow as wild weeds throughout the neighborhood and I catch Walter chewing on it while...

Energy Healing for Animals: An Interview with Author, Joan Ranquet
An interview with Joan Ranquet: “Energy Healing for Animals”, a must read book for all animal lovers I devoured Joan’s book in one weekend. All the sections I loved were marked up and there are stickies everywhere. I was lucky...

Prevention of Animal Cruelty: Guest Blogger Cynthia Hernandez
Sherm: adopted from Oregon Humane Society (why? Neglect, no time for him, couldn’t be potty trained…..) Protecting animals from cruelty is a mission every dog blogger shares. Whether it’s putting a stop to animal fighting or fighting puppy mills –...

Training tools: Harnesses, Halty’s, Headcollars
Every day the dog’s “walking” gear waits by the door. For each dog, this means something different. For Walter, this is his harness with a front clip. For Bruiser, this is his collar. And for Shermie, this is also a...

Natural Remedies for Dog Emergencies: The Two D’s
Did Shermie get into something he shouldn’t of? Natural remedies for diarrhea – be prepared for an emergency Since April is Pet First Aid Month, I wanted to continue posts on this topic. Dehydration and Diarrhea go hand in hand....

Wordless Wednesday: National Puppy Day
Walter four years ago! Sweet Walter when we used to feed him out of Puzzle Toys! FOUR years ago – my sweet munchkin!

Pet Poison Prevention Month (Series) Part Two: Scary Plants
As we celebrate St. Patty’s Day, I was thinking about a doing a post that highlights green food and plants dogs should stay away from but there just weren’t enough green items in the list! So part two of the...