Archive for the 'Hiking Trips ' Category

Travel To Coeur d’Alene, Idaho With Your Dog
Yes, it is true. The Kardashians also spent their July 4th holiday here in Idaho but we didn’t see them. This city is super pet-friendly! This was probably one of the best trips we’ve taken with the hounds. I’m going...

Wordless Wednesday: Haystack Rock
A Tuesday at Haystack Rock…..with the hounds. This is Cannon Beach near Portland, Oregon. Hike near the Haystack rocks! What are you doing this weekend?

Lost Pet Prevention Month: Murphy’s Law on Vacation
PetHub Digital ID tag on Walty: there are tons of cute patterns (they have QR collars too) Murphy’s Law on Vacation: #sponsored You’ve been waiting for this trip to the coast for months and vacationing with your dogs is on your...

Training tools: Harnesses, Halty’s, Headcollars
Every day the dog’s “walking” gear waits by the door. For each dog, this means something different. For Walter, this is his harness with a front clip. For Bruiser, this is his collar. And for Shermie, this is also a...

Tips for Dog Adventures in Forest Park: Guest Post
SIX TIPS FOR DOG ADVENTURERS IN FOREST PARK I’m so happy to share a post from Darcie Meihoff, FPC Board Member, this week about tips when walking your dog in Forest Park. Forest Park is a beautiful park in Portland, Oregon....

LOST: On the Salmon River Trail
Has this ever happened to you when you’re hiking with your dogs? This is a true story followed by some important tips about what to do if this happens to you: From how I imagine Shermie felt… So, we...

Beyond Squeaky Toys: A Review & Quick Tips
I attended a workshop hosted by a local Portland Vet Specialist that focused on behavior last week. Authors Nicole Nicassio-Hiskey of the Oregon Zoo and Cinthia Alia Mitchell from Doggone Fun! Doggy Daycare Center wrote a book about dog and cat enrichment as...

Salmon River Trail Hike: Dogs and Salmon Are Running
A lazy September day we decided to hike the Salmon River trail and saw a group of Salmon headed upstream. We were told by another hiker that they have been there for days waiting to swim up the river and...