Archive for the 'Health and Wellness ' Category

PDX Pet Photographer Captures End of Life Moments
Kristin Zabawa, a local PDX photographer, captures photography of humans and animals when they’re near the end of their life. These are precious moments.”Soul to soul” photo sessions are what she calls them on her crowdfunding page. The photos are...

National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
One of the most important things when preparing for a disaster is to simply have a plan in place. For example, one of easiest things to do is to have a sticker in your window telling emergency crews how may...

Senior Dogs: Bruiser’s 12th birthday at the beach
Bruiser’s 12th birthday celebration was this past weekend on the coast. Out of our three beautiful dogs, I know Bruisy the best. He’s twelve years young and the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a four legged friend. We...

Dog anxiety: do herbs help?
Shermie has been given herbs for his anxiety for over a month and they’re working. Our holistic vet, Dr. Becky Jester, recommended adding some herbs into his daily routine to address some anxiety he’s having – mainly around Bruiser, our...

Poisonous Mulch for Dogs
Spring has sprung and while I’m considering mulch I have some tips on what to stay away from in your gardens! I’m now researching this so thought I’d share what I’m finding – tips for dog owners: Cocoa mulch: this is...

Herbs for dogs: Milk Thistle, Peppermint, Lavendar?
Don’t shy away from using herbs -embrace them. “Healing with Flower Essences” in a recent issue of The Whole Dog Journal talks about the Bach Flower Essences (remedies) which I’ve used for emergencies and stress with all three of my...

My Life With A Senior Dog: Bruiser
Early on in life, Bruiser, was diagnosed with disc disease. Our vet recommended we try Acupuncture and we’ve never looked back! Every three weeks, he receives his treatment from Dr. Jester at Natural Healing Veterinary Acupuncture. Now that he’s older and...
Dog Massage with Heal NW
I attended a dog massage class with Rubi from HealNW last Friday night and brought my dog Shermie. We learned basic strokes and it was fabulous – so much so, Shermie actually fell asleep. Visit HealNW if you live in...
Cooking for Canines
I just made a new T.O.P. of the morning (Turkey & Oat Porridge) for Bruiser, the doxie, as I’ve been cooking for him for about a year now. His meals consist of mainly turkey, chx livers, brown rice, salmon oil,...
Senior Dogs: BARK’s current issue
My favorite publication is BARK and the current issue is totally dedicated to senior dogs – the articles range from helpful tips, senior massage therapy to delightful editorial and stories about living with senior dogs – first some personal thoughts...